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Showing posts from April, 2008

'He can see you.'

It's been a while since I added anything from Wooster Collective . Here's a photo from April 26th, taken in Columbus, OH. You may have to visit the sight to get a closer look:

My Biggest Fan

My mum took me to Open Call at the McCallum Theatre this afternoon. A celebratory event! My favourite was the yo-yo king, Gerard Amento. Here's a clip from his performance last year. Hopefully youtube will come up with today's performace sometime in the next week. (The McCallum demographic isn't generally a youtube-type crowd.)
see more crazy cat pics

boxes and birthdays

My mother and I celebrate our birthdays this weekend. Mine was Friday, hers is Monday. Where to eat? What to do? I dropped movies off at the library while she packed up the garage. Not a thrilling way to celebrate, but necessary. I think it's time I remember what it means to celebrate life at all. Renew in my mind the awareness required to really honour one's own birth. Remember that this moment is precious. Thoroughly delight in whatever company finds its way to you today. Listen to their conversation. Don't just hear; don't try to converse. Ask questions rather than offer solutions, and listen . Laugh at many things, but not everything. Do not laugh at the loss of anyone's dignity; prize and protect it. Stand up for the one whom general opinion shuns - unless it is not opinion, but right judgment. Listen to music with both ears, with the brain, with the mouth slightly open, and with the eyes half-closed. But be willing to turn the music off when people arrive. Or...

"You should put one of these on your blog."



The question of the hour: Should I get all my hair chopped off? Again? The idea was to let it grow out, but I was just browsing through some photos of celebrities with fabulous short hair, and I am unconvinced that this growing business is the thing for me just yet. It does seem a shame to waste all the effort gone through so far. For those of you who have NOT seen my hair lately... you are lucky. Blessed. Shined upon. And all this ugliness for nothing? Perhaps.... update: Gone. All of it. I have no stamina for bad hair. Photos to come? Probably not. Arrange a visit.