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Showing posts from August, 2012

in brief

This article has got me wondering - how many people who should be keeping journals are keeping blogs instead. And how that might be unhelpful to them. Thoughts?

On Favorite Books

People have been making a great deal of Republican VP nominee, Paul Ryan's favorite book choice, Atlas Shrugged . Which is understandable, given that it's a political book with such a wide influence that no one bothers to actually read it (myself included). A few moments ago, I read a brief article/post asserting that Ryan now claims his favorite author is Thomas Aquinas, as though trying to cover up the highly controversial Ayn Rand business. I understand that a politician claiming a political book as a favorite is a certain statement about his own political persuasions. I get that. But I'd like to point out that if someone asked me who my favorite author was, I'd likely say "Dostoevsky," and I'd mean it. But if you asked me what book I have read more often than any other, it would probably be Cynthia Voigt's On Fortune's Wheel . Which, considering what that whole series has to say about magic, fantasy, and cultural narratives of belief, would b...

Things I've Made Lately

Here are some photos of recent kitchen experiments, replete with links to the original recipes. All but one, I found on Pinterest over the course of the last few years, and have waited till now to attempt them. The board features many prettier pictures of future cooking attempts for you to explore. Rustic Plum Tart Brown Sugar Cookies with Browned Butter Glaze Spaghetti with Olive Oil, Garlic, and Chili Peppers Lemon and Sage Chicken Leek and Parmesan Risotto Lemon Spaghetti Cream Cheese Chocolate Cookie


Spent Friday with this one: Happy day!