Sometimes you simply can't help offending people. It is clumsiness, of course, not wickedness. When wickedness offends, there is a need for apology, repentance, sanctification. When clumsiness offends, what is there to do? Who is there to blame? Nothing. No one. For example, let us say you do not have a car. So you walk to church or class or your job interview on this unnaturally hot day, (you cannot help the weather) and you stink. There is nothing for it. You have offended without doing anything wrong. And there is nothing you can do. And you are not to blame - despite all the looks of surprised disgust you receive as you pass by. Or, let us say you do have a car, but something happens to your headlights. You end up on Orangethorpe, just off the 57, calling your father and fiddling with every knob and nozzle you can find from the doorknob to the glove compartment, but alas! the lights will not glow. In fact, the only light for the darkness seems to be the harsh glare of your bri...