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I've been reading N. T. Wright's book _Surprised by Hope_ (blogger suddenly fails to give me the option of italics. why?!). You will find me quoting it, refering to it, summarizing it, and/or inspired by it for the next week or so. It began slowly for me, mostly because he thought it necessary to establish some foundational ideas that felt 'old hat' to me. Shame on me for finding anything relating to the resurrection to be 'old hat'! Shame on me for using a colloquialism so awkwardly!

Anyway, it has been an educational reminder that the kingdom of God is neither a bizarre notion of Christian fantasy nor a spiritual metaphor for vague internal renewal - but rather, a flesh and blood transformation that begins with our redemption in Christ and ends in a strange, but very real union of heaven and earth, transformed by his glory. Here's one of my favorite excerpts from the book, which I recommend to all:

'It looks as though God intends to flood the universe with himself, as though the universe, the entire cosmos, was designed as a receptacle for his love. We might even suggest, as part of a Christian aesthetic, that the world is beautiful not just because it hauntingly reminds us of its creator but also because it is pointing forward: it is designed to be filled, flooded, drenched in God, as a chalice is beautiful not least because of what we know it is designed to contain or as a violin is beautiful not least because we know the music of which it is capable.'

- later -

I just found this on Benjamin's blog, and simply have to post it. Not that I ever check his blog. Since it's generally in Swedish. And therefore personally futile.
"Fr. Sophrony [Sakharov], in his book on St. Silouan, presents this theory of the “inverted pyramid.” He says that the empirical cosmic being is like a pyramid: at the top sit the powerful of the earth, who exercise dominion over the nations (cf. Matt. 20:25), and at the bottom stand the masses. But the spirit of man, by nature [unfallen nature as given by God], demands equality, justice and freedom of spirit, and therefore is not satisfied with this “pyramid of being.” So, what did the Lord do? He took this pyramid and inverted it, and put Himself at the bottom, becoming its Head. He took upon Himself the weight of sin, the weight of the infirmity of the whole world, and so from that moment on, who can enter into judgment with Him? His justice is above the human mind. So, He revealed His Way to us, and in so doing showed us that no one can be justified but by this way, and so all those who are His must go downwards to be united with Him, the Head of the inverted pyramid, because it is there that the “fragrance” of the Holy Spirit is found; there is the power of divine life. Christ alone holds the pyramid, but His fellows, His Apostles and His saints, come and share this weight with Him. However, even if there were no one else, He could hold the pyramid by Himself, because He is infinitely strong; but He likes to share everything with His fellows. Mindful of this, then, it is essential for man to find the way of going down, the way of humility, which is the Way of of the Lord, and to become a fellow of Christ, who is the Author of this path."

Archimandrite Zacharias in The Enlargement of the Heart

från Glory to God for All Things (


  1. I want to read your blog (since you've finally graced us with a new post) but there is too much writing and I am overwhelmed after my day in the garage with mom. And you're so Deep. So I will read it for real in the not-too-distant-future and comment accordingly.


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