Today marks the beginning of a new year, and with that, new resolutions to be or to do things differently. I used to have a bad habit of starting new blogs with new years, eventually finding myself spread so thin over a handful of platforms that all of them suffered. To begin this year well, I've spent the day cleaning. I cleared out my closet, waxed my kitchen counter, took two loads down to the recycle bin...and deleted each blog but this one. A last bastion, if you will.
Anyone who's been paying attention has noticed that I haven't posted in four months, and before that it had been spotty for quite a while. I've used my blogs in part to simply have an outward voice for the things that are going on in my life, but also to clarify thoughts, experiences, and hopes related to living a creative life in community. I'd like to continue with that, but I'm not really sure what it will look like.
I hesitate to set out a grand plan for this blog and this year, because I don't believe most of my new year's resolutions anymore. They generally have to do with developing certain habits, rhythms, even rituals, and I am terrible at anything habitual unless it involves sleep. That's a characteristic I've always wanted for my life in an idealistic way, but which in the real day-to-day of life is completely contrary to my personality.
So I make no promises. I can only say that I have had a wonderful year of developing creatively, of developing relationships with creative people, with pursuing remarkable and inspiring avenues of community—and I suspect 2015 will carry with it even more of these opportunities. I will do my best to record them here with better attentiveness. We'll see how that goes.
In the meantime, may this year be one in which we begin to believe that change is possible.
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